Informed Art Facilitation Training

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Price: $200 + HST per person (includes art supplies, light refreshments, 3h of CE credits and a certificate of attendance)
When: Friday, June 7th 9am-12:30pm (includes break in the middle)
Where: Alliston, ON, Nottawasaga Inn

SOLD OUT - please get in touch to inquire about my online training options for teams.

No refunds. Ticket transfers are welcome!

Are you wondering how to successfully facilitate art making groups, foster creative self-expression, and encourage moments of insightful sharing? Whether you’re a counsellor, recreation therapist, student, artist, PSW, nurse, educator, or parent, you’ve come to the right place!

Join Natalie V. Bochenska, artist, Art Therapist, and Registered Psychotherapist, in a day full of creativity and fun. In this experiential certification program, you will gain the basic skills of art facilitation inspired by core art therapy principles and mindfulness practices.

You can expect to engage through hands-on art-making demos, meditation, and refreshing discussions in a small group setting.

We will address the meaning of therapeutic boundaries, confidence and imposter syndrome, the ingredients necessary for safe spaces, and how to tap into non-judgmental curiosity.

Whether you devote your work to children, youth, adults, or older adults, the same principles still apply.

Get your crayons ready! 

You will leave the training with an updated approach towards art making, easy to apply techniques and creative projects, and a calm, inspired mind.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!

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